Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Gummy Glory

It's an intriguing title for an exponentially more intriguing subject. Vague enough? First, points to Nicole for exposing me to the latest glory of teh intarwebs. This is not only mind-blowing, but crazy. We could also use the title: "When is a gummy bear actually a gummy Megatron?"

Next, cue deep-voiced movie announcer guy: In a land, where snack food is king… One man is on a journey to reshape the chewy, fruit-based candy industry.

Over at the website Pimp That Snack (oh yes, that's its title), there is a magical tale. A tale of ingenuity, of dedication and of too much free time.

I implore you to read it. Now. Right here.

1 comment:

  1. I see your Megatron, and raise you this:

    - B
