Monday, February 22, 2010

Claudia’s Visit - With Pictures!

Amity's mother, Claudia, visited us this past weekend. During her visit, we toured Chinatown, Columbia University Medical Center, Columbia University, The Cathedral of St. John the Devine, Rockefeller Plaza, Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Fairway Market, the Cloisters, Queens (without Ryan), and beautiful Inwood.

Of course, there was significant Olympics-watching, tea-drinking, and cousin-visiting. In fact, Claudia was able to visit BOTH of her grand-nieces!

Here are some pictures:

The gang at Columbia University, all hail Her hallowed name.   Behind us is Low Library, which bears a certain resemblance to the Library of Congress, especially on the inside. The face of the building, directly about the Corinthian columns, reads
King's College Founded in the Province of New York, By Royal Charter in the Reign of George II, Perpetuated as Columbia College by the People of the State of New York, When they became Free and Independent - Maintained and Cherished from Generation to Generation.  For the Advancement of the Public Good and the Glory of Almighty God.
Rockefeller Center.  Can you detect the wistful look in their eyes? We had just walked past the ice skating rink (below Prometheus there in the background--he's hard to miss, what with the gold).  Still plenty of holiday cheer in this plaza to keep me going until next December. 

Directly after this stop, we crossed the street to check out St. Patrick's Cathedral. Our impromptu visit to St. Patty's was inspired by our earlier visit to the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, up by Columbia. What a nice segue....

/sighs.  Oh St. John the Divine....  Look at the stained glass inside this Cathedral!  This is in my favorite chapel, which is the one directly behind the High Altar.  I really want those lamps.  This picture doesn't do them justice, either.  Although, they probably don't look so good without true "cathedral ceilings" to go with.  Sad.

Claudia and Amity are really only in this picture to provide scale.

Each of the chapels is equally stunning, and should appeal to a variety of tastes in neo-gothic cathedral connoisseurs.

We still have yet to swing by and hear Evensong on (I think) Wednesdays.  Popping into this Cathedral in a rainstorm or otherwise unpleasant day is really an excellent way to center oneself in a quiet, reflective, art-filled, beautiful space--which leads me to (wow, I'm on a roll!)...

While not visible in this picture, the Cloisters are simply stunning.  Amity and I ran past here on Sunday (part of a 5.5 mile jog).  Here are Claudia and Amity, right after leaving the museum.  Behind them is the rest of Fort Tryon park, the drop-off into the Dykman Street valley, and then back up to Inwood Hill.  Just over Amity's right (our left) ear is the Hudson River and then New Jersey.

Aren't they sweet?

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