Sunday, February 14, 2010


So clearly I chose the (new) title of this blog with aesthetics as my primarily focus.  "The Indian Road Dispatches" seemed the right mix of geography and kitsch.  A title that, to me, is reminiscent of telegrams, the Pony Express, and a hint of Walden Pond.  Then I looked up the word "dispatch" on Google.  Little did I know that when I invoked the Pony Express and telegrams, what I was truly invoking was the O-K Coral, and the lawless West.  Check out the following definitions:
  • dispatch - send away towards a designated goal
  • dispatch - complete or carry out; "discharge one's duties"
  • dispatch - an official report (usually sent in haste)
  • dispatch - murder: kill intentionally and with premeditation;
  • dispatch - the act of sending off something
  • dispatch - dispose of rapidly and without delay and efficiently
  • dispatch - the property of being prompt and efficient; "it was done with dispatch"
  • dispatch - kill without delay; "the traitor was dispatched by the conspirators"
  • dispatch - killing a person or animal 
Kill, Kill, Kill? If I read these definitions properly, this blog is not only rather violent (see definitions 4, 8, 9 and possibly 6), but also a bit....impersonal? (6 and 7). I mean, these definitions don't come right out and say it, but "rapid" and "efficient" paired with "murder" and "kill" doesn't exactly conjure the Walden Pond imagery I was hoping for.


I suppose we'll just focus on definitions 1,2,3 and 5.  And, if things get a little dull, well we've got all the fun definitions up our sleeves.

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