Tuesday, February 16, 2010

From the Department of Zoonotic Transmission Vectors

If only the Gates Foundation had a time machine.  Then who knows what might have happened in Egyptian history.  King Tutankhamun, the boy king who died mysteriously at the tender age of 19, was felled by a mosquito.  King "Tut", as he is colloquially known, is most famous for having the most complete tomb in the Valley of the Kings.  Tutankhamun was, apparently, also born with a cleft lip and a congenital bone disease - which may be ascribed to his parentage.  Until recently people considered him the son of Amenhotep III.  New DNA findings released in Febraury, however, point to Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten) and his sister.

Tutankhamun was also the first Pharoah to be worshiped as a god in his own time - as much good as that did him.

Either way, it's interesting that malaria has been lethal (and just as "equal opportunity" in who it kills) for millennia.  Other famous people taken down by malaria:

Titus Ceasar
Otto II
Charles V
Edward IV
Oliver Cromwell

Gregory V
Sixtus V
Damasus II
Leo X
Urban VII

Alexander the Great
Genghis Khan

and many more!!

So add King Tutankhamun to the list!

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